Name: Poppy
Sex: Female
Estimated Age: About 5 years old
Best Guess for Breed: Pitbull Terrier Mix
Weight: About 75 lbs
Lives With: People including young children, and cats! (she’s good with dogs too, just not currently living with one)
Housebroken? Yes!
Story: Poppy is an owner-surrender by an owner who can no longer take care of her (not because of any fault of Poppy’s). She was originally adopted in 2021 at about 1-2 years of age after she’d been rescued from the street. She’s a great family dog (great with kids!) who loves to play and go on long walks, but she can also spend hours lounging and being lazy.
What my owner says: Despite being about 5 years old, Poppy has young pittie energy! She likes to play and roughhouse, she loves long walks and would benefit from a family with a yard. She gets really excited when she sees you and wants to give you lots of kisses. She loves all people and most other dogs but can get uncomfortable with dogs who are displaying aggressive behavior toward her. She loves going to doggy daycare and is the darling of humans and canines there. She is patient and tender with kids and loves them so much you will have to have a strategy to keep the youngest ones out of her tongue’s reach. While she is energetic, she is also very very cuddly — she loves building her own nests with blankets and pillows, and loves snuggling up to you even more. She currently lives with cats and loves them but we’re not sure that the cats love her back; a home without cats might be better than one with. She would love a dog pal in her home but would be fine without one as long as she gets doggy playdates because she’s very social.
If you think that Poppy might be your perfect match, please email info@peteyandfurends.org.