Name: Citra

Sex: Female

Estimated Age: 3-4 years

Best Guess for Breed: Border Collie Mix

Weight: 59lbs

Lives With: Citra is currently living with two adults in an apartment environment.

Housetrained? Citra is housebroken and crate trained. She also knows all of her basic commands.

About Citra: Citra is an adorable 4 year old border collie mix who is incredibly smart and loves to learn new tricks. Fun facts: she knows over 15 commands and is working on several more, she’s a mozzarella cheese aficionado and butt scratches are her favorite! She also loves sunbathing - she can go for hours without moving from a sunny spot! Please read more about her below!

PERFECT FAMILY: A home with 1-2 adults is ideal. Citra needs crate time when guests come over, but can warm up with a slow introduction and some treats. Because she is shy, we are recommending she not go to a home with small children. She can be quite scared of other dogs and cats, and would do best as the only dog in the home. However, she has been working her hardest with us to overcome her fears, and has shown lots of progress recently!
PERFECT HOME: One with a fenced in yard away from the bustling city.
EXERCISE NEEDS: Citra enjoys long walks on the leash and rolling in the grass belly side up at the park. She could play fetch and tug all day long with her humans! However, she is also very content to lounge around the house. She is such a playful pup and would love to learn new games and activities! She loves untangling a towel to get to her food, and that tires her out just as much as a walk! She should not be taken to dog parks.
BEHAVIOR IN HOME: Citra is a sweetheart. She loves to play with her humans and then take naps on the couch or in her crate. She is slowly but surely learning how to interact with new humans, but it takes a lot of treats and patience to gain her trust. Once she gets comfortable, she would love nothing more but to snuggle up with you all night long. She is quiet and comfortable in her crate, knows the “place” command, and does not have accidents in the home.
CRATE: Citra loves her crate, she will sleep and relax there during the day and while her humans are not at home. She also sleeps in there all night long!

Color Match: ORANGE - Goofball (Socially Motivated)

  • Dog Personality — Will work for what they want, but are not as committed to pursuing their own agenda; these are considered moderate-persistence dogs.

  • Adopter Personality — Interested in doing some training and can provide regular interaction and activity.

The fee to adopt Citra is $450. That covers the cost of all her vaccines, the collar she’s wearing, her transport to DC and her care in her foster home. She’s up to date on all age appropriate vaccines and already spayed. Citra has been seen by a shelter vet and we are not aware of any health issues.

If you think that Citra might be your perfect match, apply today!

Petey and Furends