Name: Petey

Sex: Male

Estimated Age: About 8 years old

Best Guess for Breed: Terrier Mix

Weight: About 55 lbs

Lives With: Dogs and people!

Housebroken? Yes, Petey is potty trained and crate trained.

Story: Petey was rescued from a shelter in North Carolina. We are so happy to have him safe and sound in a foster home now. Petey is a happy sweetie who loves people and gets along great with other dogs and puppies. He knows just how to get comfortable up on the couch with his humans, and will love to join you on walks and trots around the neighborhood. Petey is just looking for someone to be his new best furend and we know that he will repay them with endless amounts of love and tail wags. Like all dogs, Petey will need an adopter who is committed to setting him up for success by enrolling in obedience training and exercising him both mentally and physically. He will also need love, patience, and socialization in order to thrive!

What my foster says: Petey is a super sweet boy who would make a great addition to your home! He knows sit, stay, shake, and we’re working on down! He’s crate trained and house trained and loves sunbathing in the backyard. He does well with people, kids, dogs (with proper intro), and appears to do well with cats. He’s already been camping, to the beach, and to a brewery, and did great in all those situations. He didn't like the ocean but takes baths like a champ. He loves to observe and smell, but with the right setup/support he is able to calm down and settle. We’re working with him on walking manners and he’s doing great with a harness though is strong/likes smelling everything. He loves peanut butter and takes his pills like a champ (he’s being treated for heartworm). He loves cuddling on the couch at the end of a long day, too!

Color Match: ORANGE - Wallflower (Internally Motivated)

  • Dog Personality — Will work for what they want, but are not as committed to pursuing their own agenda; these are considered moderate-persistence dogs.

  • Adopter Personality — Interested in doing some training and can provide regular interaction and activity.

The fee to adopt Petey is $350. That covers the cost of all his vaccines, his neuter, the collar he’s wearing, his transport to DC and his care in his foster home. He’s up to date on all age appropriate vaccines. Petey has been seen by a shelter vet and has completed treatment for Heartworm. Heartworm is a very treatable illness that is common in many shelter dogs coming from the South. For more information on heartworm, visit our blog.

If you think that Petey might be your perfect match, apply today!

Thanks to Grey Muzzle and the Graham Foundation for helping us to support senior dogs.

Petey and Furends