Name: Sonny

Sex: Male

Estimated Age: About 8 months old (as of late August 2024)

Best Guess for Breed: Domestic Short-Hair Mix

Weight: About 8 pounds

Good With: People and other cats. He lives in a foster home with other cats.

Story: Sonny is a Domestic Short Hair Mix who popped up on his foster’s porch, in NE DC, one night seeking food. Sonny ended up hiding in the flower box under a tree for the next several days, only coming out for more food. Eventually Sonny made it clear he did not want to be outside anymore and cried outside the foster’s front door every time he was left alone. Once the foster had spare room, Sonny was moved in. Sonny was quickly checked out by the vet and received an overall healthy evaluation, received shots/vaccines, and neutered.

What my foster says: Sonny is a mix of kitten energy and adult cat calm. While mostly independent, Sonny will let you know when he wants attention and play and can be a chatty kitty. He is still learning how to cuddle with humans and currently Sonny’s main two favorite human interactions are head rubs and butt scratches. He will sit on your lap or cuddle up against you but is still figuring how it is done. His foster is trying to teach him by letting Sonny spend time with a couple older, permanent resident cats who are cuddle experts. Sonny seems to get along with other cats but is a little nervous at first. Sonny needs time to adjust to new surroundings and will require a secluded, safe area when he is left alone, preferably with access to a heated mat/pad. Sonny really should end up in a home with another friendly, younger cat but could be okay on his own if his permanent humans have the time to keep him entertained.

If you think that Sonny might be your perfect match, please email

Petey and Furends