Name: Winnie

Sex: Female

Estimated Age: About 5-6 years old

Best Guess for Breed: Pitbull Mix

Weight: About 38 lbs

Lives With: Dogs, people, cats and kids - she’s great with everyone!

Housebroken? Winnie is housebroken!

Story: Winnie was rescued from a shelter in South Carolina and we are so happy to have her in a foster home in DC now. Winnie is a super sweetie that loves all people and gets along great with other dogs and puppies. She knows just how to get comfortable up on the couch with her humans, and will love to join you on walks and trots around the neighborhood. Winnie is just looking for someone to be her new best furend and we know that she will repay them with endless amounts of love and tail wags. Even though Winnie is an adult dog, she will need an adopter who is committed to setting her up for success by enrolling in obedience training and exercising her both mentally and physically. She will also need love, patience, and socialization in order to thrive!


PERFECT FAMILY: Winnie is about 90% couch potato, and would do great with a family that is looking for an overgrown lap dog with no sense of personal space and thinks nap time is the best time. If you love hours of quiet cuddles and belly rubs, Winnie is your girl. She can be shy at first, so a family who will understand her hesitancy with new places and things would be great. In return, you will be rewarded with your own Velcro dog who will accompany you everywhere, including the bathroom. Winnie has done great with other dogs, and currently lives with a senior dog. She would probably prefer a fellow dog brother or sister who is just as chill as she is, and doesn’t mind her joining them for a snuggle. Winnie is scared of cats (really!), but has slowly begun touching noses with her current foster cat siblings, and should be fine with any cats (as long as they don’t look at her from across the room, it makes her cry).

PERFECT HOME: Any place that has a soft bed and/or couch to snuggle on would be perfect. Preferably with a set of stairs, or nice human, to help her access the couch and bed, since Winnie’s short little legs make it hard for her to get up on them. 

EXERCISE NEEDS: If you’re looking for a running buddy, Winnie is not your girl. She averages about 2 minutes of zoomies a day, and then she’s out of breath and needs a nap. She does love tennis balls, and will chase and then sploot down to nibble (she’s good at the fetch, not so much the return). She loves going on walks, and gets very excited when the leash comes out. Her walks are more of a meander, and she definitely likes to stop and smell all the roses (and trees, and individual blades of grass).

BEHAVIOR IN HOME: Winnie is a love bug who spends most of her time cuddled on the couch or splooting on the carpet. She is a Velcro dog, so where you go, she goes, and usually sploots nearby to keep a close eye. Winnie happily does her bathroom business outside. Her fosters are working on training her to ring a bell on the back door to indicate she needs out. Overall she’s very much a Netflix and chill out girl. About the only thing she gets really excited about is dinner and treat time, at which point you will be treated to her interpretive food dance and the occasional “wooo” and “woof”.

CRATE: Winnie is not currently crate trained, but has had no issues being left free range in the house when her foster parents have gone out. 

The fee to adopt Winnie is $450. That covers the cost of all her vaccines, the collar she’s wearing, her transport to DC and her care in her foster home. She’s up to date on all age appropriate vaccines and already spayed.

If you think that Winnie might be your perfect match, apply today!

Petey and Furends