Name: Orianna

Sex: Female

Estimated Age: About 2-3 years old

Best Guess for Breed: Bull Terrier Mix

Weight: About 55 lbs

Lives With: Dogs, people, cats and kids - she’s great with everyone!

Housebroken? Orianna is housebroken and crate trained.

Story: Orianna was rescued from a shelter in North Carolina and we are so happy to have her in a foster home in the DC area now. Orianna is a super sweetie that loves all people and gets along great with other dogs and puppies. She knows just how to get comfortable up on the couch with her humans, and will love to join you on walks and trots around the neighborhood. Orianna is just looking for someone to be her new best furend and we know that she will repay them with endless amounts of love and tail wags. Even though Orianna is an adult dog, she will need an adopter who is committed to setting her up for success by enrolling in obedience training and exercising her both mentally and physically. She will also need love, patience, and socialization in order to thrive!

What my foster says: Orianna is a really wonderful dog! She is playful, silly, cuddly, and very smart. It has been so much fun learning her play style and seeing how goofy she can be! She loves to toss toys around for herself when she's in a playful mood and everyone is busy but she also really loves to play with our Petey alum, Sid. She listens really well to dog language and backs off when we ask her to relax. I think she would love having another playful doggie in the home! She does also love playing with her people and will dive into you and flip herself over with a toy in her mouth so you can tug with her. She is also great in her crate. She sprints in there at night and is ready for bed. She is also easy to walk though she reaaaally loves people so if someone stops to say hi she will be leaning against them for pets until you pull her away! She has also been a great running partner but definitely does not typically need that level of exercise. Ori also does very well in the car. Either she is silently looking out the window or lying down asleep. She is a very easy dog and would be a great addition to a family with a pup (or cats!) or a family looking for their first dog! Ori has been such a joy to have in our home and I truly think she will make her forever family nothing but extremely happy! 

The fee to adopt Orianna is $450. That covers the cost of all her vaccines, the collar she’s wearing, her transport to DC and her care in her foster home. She’s heartworm negative, up to date on all age appropriate vaccines, and already spayed.

If you think that Orianna might be your perfect match, apply today!

Petey and Furends